De kinesiska kvinnorna

De kinesiska kvinnorna


Varje år begår 150,000 kvinnor i Kina självmord. De som försöker men inte lyckas beräknas till cirka en miljon. Det är det enda landet i världen där fler kvinnor än män begår självmord. Den främsta anledningen är att kvinnan i Kina aldrig lyckats bli fri från sin lägre rang – i Kina har kvinnan aldrig haft någon status. Det är naturligtvis värre ute på landsbygden än i de rikare städerna, men under senare år har statistiken uppvisat en dramatisk ökning, som antagligen beror på det ökade ekonomiska trycket – man måste vara kapitalist i Kina idag, och klarar man sig inte som sådan och kan motstå konkurrensen finns det inget skyddsnät. Känslan av värdelöshet hos kvinnorna, som i sina äktenskap vanligen tvingas till tröstlös ensamhet, är därmed en regel med få undantag och den vanligaste anledningen till desperata självmordsåtgärder, vanligen genom inmundigandet av insektsgifter. Det är helt enkelt enda flyktmöjligheten undan den hopplösa anonymiteten och diskrimineringen. Det görs lama försök till motarbetning av könsdiskrimineringen som lokalt visar tecken till framgång, men det behövs mera. Bristen på jämlikhet och social trygghet är skriande och har blivit ännu mera så under de senaste tio årens förföljelse av de som mediterar enligt Falun Gong-metoden. De är minst 70 miljoner och har sedan 1999 utsatts för troligen världens största folkförföljelse, där det att man blott visar sig meditera innebär att man är fritt villebråd för tvångsintagningsivrare, organhandlare, översittarpoliser och angivare, då meditation enligt Falun Gong är stämplat av regimen som statsfientlig verksamhet och dess utövare offentligt brännmärkta som en ond sekt. Att den ateistiska regimen betraktar all andlig verksamhet med paranoid mordlystnad är ingenting nytt, det har den gjort sedan 1949 vilket tibetanerna och uigurerna minsann fått erfara sedan deras länder ockuperades med våld för snart 60 år sedan, men att regimen även vänder sig mot en så oskyldig verksamhet som ren meditation, som omfattas av en betydligt större del av folket än det krympande regeringspartiet, är relativt nytt och lär tyvärr knappast motverka kvinnans ständiga martyrskap i det samhälle i världen som måste betecknas som det grymmaste, som också har världens ledande miljöförstöring att skryta med och toppar den klimatvärmande utsläppsbovligan i världen utan konkurrens, - utom att Kina avrättar fler människor årligen än hela världen för övrigt. Iran som nummer två kommer långt efter.

Lägg till detta enbarnstvånget i kinesiska familjer, som leder till att icke önskvärda döttrar gärna undanröjes, medan statistiken på kinesiska mödrar som steriliserats för att de fött mer än ett barn är en annan cancerfläck på den kinesiska kommunismen. Vilken moder vill leva vidare efter tvångssterilisering? Ett annat resultat av allt detta är den demografiska förvridningen i Kina som ständigt förvärras åt onaturligt håll, så att det blir fler och fler män (som ensamma barn) och ständigt färre (icke önskvärda) kvinnor.

När de på sitt land bestulna uigurerna till slut gör ett förtvivlat uppror mot den förtryckande ockupationsmaktens ständiga övervåld och diskriminering, anklagar kineserna uigurerna för att ställa till med bråk och håvar in dem, precis som tibetanerna, med livstidsstraff och avrättningar att vänta med nya lönsamma organtransplantationer i beredskap. Och detta Kina värnar hela världen om i svansande kryperi av fruktan för att förlora sina lönsamma affärer med Kina, som Nixon och Kissinger öppnade porten för genom offrandet av allt stöd för det demokratiska Taiwan och Tibets sista frihetskämpar, detta Kina, vars alltjämt regerande parti var den drivande kraften bakom Pol Pot-regimen i Kambodja och som håller Burmajuntan om ryggen, världens mest omänskliga militärdiktatur, och som försett Pakistan med kärnvapenteknologi och är vapenexportör åt Mugabe och folkmördarregimen i Khartoum, utom att det är det enda land som alltid hållit Nordkorea om ryggen, den sjukaste skurkstaten av alla. Kina står därmed in flagrantia bakom alla världens framträdande skurkstater, och hela världen kröker rygg för Kina av rädsla för att gå miste om dess lönsamma affärer, precis som världens politiker kröp för nazisterna under 30-talet. Inte konstigt att världsekonomin går åt helvete.

Vem var det som sade: ”Den regeringen är en skam för världen så länge den får hålla på”? Det var Olof Palme, men han sade det aldrig om Kina eller Nordkorea och allra minst om Pol Pot. 

Det går inte att ha en sådan nation i en värld, som inför det klimatologiska universalhotet kräver att alla samarbetar för motverkan av klimatförändringen.



My Tibetan friend

You travel all across the Himalayas
as an outcast, outlawed by the occupants
and forced in exile since your childhood,
forced to cross the snows in winter across passes
of six thousand meters, where the butchers of your country
stand in wait prepared to gun down any refugees
who have the unacceptable impertinence to flee their country
occupied by probably the cruellest of the world's autocracies,
an atheist totalitarian regime which makes all human life impossible
for those who can't subject themselves to anti-spiritualism,
enforced fanatical ideology of atheism,
the national compulsory political denial of the soul
and all its natural demands and needs of freedom.
They have destroyed your country, ruined almost every temple,
almost every monastery and burnt most of all your books,
a thousand years' collection of hand-written manuscripts,
they have reduced your people,
those that were not extirpated,
to sub-citizens of second rate,
if they at all are given rights as citizens,
and killed off one fifth of your population
to replace it gradually with Han Chinese,
a long-perspective ethnic cleansing
typical of socialist dictatorships,
and sterilized an unknown number of your women
and your mothers also after forced abortions,
carried off 240.000 of your ladies
forcing them to slave work down in China
forced to marry Chinese men
who then are forced to populate your country
as another link in the methodic long-term ethnic cleansing.
How many of you have already been lost in concentration camps,
in prisons, tortured to extinction,
or abducted already as children
to be brainwashed and brought up as Chinese puppet capos?
As the Jews keep screaming on and on
with every right to every now and then remind the world
of crimes against humanity committed by political autocracy,
so you Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians
never must stop showing up your testimony to the world
about the slow but fatal holocaust
that still goes on today
and has been carried on for sixty years
by the totalitarian party ruling the Chinese.

The Genocide Olympics



Sarkozy is going there, the president of France,

to boost French business with the genocide autocracy,

although he previously was eager

to lead boycott protests against China,

which continues persecuting innocents,

like Falun Gong practitioners,

a constant gold mine for Chinese authorities

for harvesting of human organs

safely in the mental wards

where Falun Gong practitioners are put away

reduced to apathy and drugged unconscious

for the profitable organ market greed,

together with all other religious minorities,

like Christians, Buddhists, not to speak of farmers

causing demonstration trouble all across the country

for their being used, exploited and evicted,

while the genocide goes on in secret in Tibet

with covert murdering of monks and prisoners

brought into jail on mere suspicion.

The Berlin Olympics 72 years ago

were also a manifestation triumph

of successful propaganda for totalitarianism,

but then the Germans had not yet commenced

their genocide procedure, and the Moscow

failed Olympics 1980 were at least subjected

to the boycott of some 50 nations.

Now concerning China everybody knows

about the genocide that constantly goes on,

and still, not only Bush but even Sarkozy,

the momentary chairman of the European union,

which officially is democratic,

will pay homage to the genocide Olympics

for the sake of European business interests

with the greatest and most cruel of all autocracies

that nurtures Burma and its junta

and was backing up Pol Pot before Zimbabwe and Sudan.








Who shall save the world

when everything is going wrong,

the only superpower going down the bog

of economical disaster as the natural result

of warring madness failure in Iraq,

a king size caca and the worst mistake in US history

destroying universally its credibility,

while it gets into the economic clutches

of the greatest, cruellest and worst dictatorship,

the fascist state of lies called China,

spreading its colonial tentacles

all round in south east Asia and Africa,

a new colonial superpower to which USA

is falling into economic slavery.

What shall we do? What can we do?

I am afraid, that all that we can do

is to at least take care of our own freedom

and integrity as individuals,

refusing brainwash imposition and extortion;

and our hope and comfort is the fact,

that all successful revolutions start from inside

in the heart and soul; and that at least

is still in our possession and our power.


The Fountain House



The Fountain House


In 1948 the world was drowned in the social problems of the aftermath of the second world war, mainly the countless multitudes of ’displaced persons’. In Europe most of these were of course Jews, and the problem was so overwhelming, that there was no option but to place them in concentration camps, so called Displaced Person Camps, naturally not like the Nazi camps but all the same behind barbed wire, waiting for the problem to be resolved, which it wasn’t in Europe, as long as Prime Minister Clement Attlee of Britain and his foreign secretary Ernest Bevin refused to allow more than a very limited number of Jewish immigrants into Palestine, not to upset the Arabs, who had oil. Chief responsible for these post-war concentration camps was general Patton, who enforced the confinement of these people behind barbed wire, expressing the view that such people only could be treated as cattle.


Only president Truman had some human views on the situation, who insisted on Palestine being opened to unlimited immigration. The labour government of Britain was equally insistent on refusing this. Instead, more and more of the displaced persons of Europe saw America as their only possibility.


Of course, they were not less displaced over there, and Ernest Bevin cynically attributed the American insistence on the opening of Palestine to the Americans being themselves unwilling to accept the displaced persons, but America did actually take care of them. One of those umbrella organizations was the Fountain House, who in this very year had their first premises opened on 47th Street in New York, which still are their headquarters, the same year in which all the eastern European states were engulfed by the Soviet Union as satellites together with North Korea and Israel finally reached independence and could be opened to free immigration.


The activities of the Fountain House had started already in 1940 by a kind of patients’ upheaval in a mental asylum (Rockland State Hospital in New York), where the patients joined hands to help each other back to a normal life by getting themselves discharged and into work. They called themselves We Are Not Alone (after the novel with the same title by James Hilton), and their basic principle has always remained the same through all the years – to help each other by helping themselves. The corner stone is to constantly remain in touch with each other and look after each other – solidarity between victims of society and circumstances.


In that way they have nothing to do with any kind of politics or religion, and the activities are not about rehabilitation or health care of any kind. Instead, focus is on those who simply have got lost or met with misfortune, getting stuck in the meaningless blind alleys and vicious circles of the fatal and lethal, arbitrary and soulless bureaucracy of the Kafka society. The individual initiative is underscored as most important of all to regain, when it has been imperilled or eliminated by outer circumstances, and you’ll notice how much more the human dignity is upheld at the Fountain House and its so much safer environment than in society. ICCD (”International Center for Clubhouse Development”, 425 West 47th Street, New York,) has in fact become advisor to the UN and is the only international organization in this field with the possibility to directly influence the secretariat of the UN and governments by expertise advice and partakes in the sessions of ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the United Nations).   




Displaced persons


Their number are increasing,

all those victims,

not only of society,

but more and more of circumstances

of no accountability for anyone.

They drift along, get lost,

but there is always somewhere

someone waiting for them,

even in your utmost loneliness

you never are alone,

and even if you are,

the crowds of ghosts and memories

are always there reminding you

that you can never separate from life

and least of all by suicide.

There is a fountainhead

that never stops to flow

and keep the current running

of the ever vitally expanding life,

and even if you feel unique about your fate,

you can be certain there are others sharing it.

The problem is, you never are yourself,

but all the life in all the universe

depends on you, for you are part of it.



 – a tribute to "the Fountain House", or, "The International Center for Clubhouse Development" (ICCD), 425 West 47th Street, New York, now an international network with centers practically everywhere and advisor to the UN (ECOSOC unit).



The Keltic Cult



The Keltic Cult


by John Bede.


Kelticism is today like it always has been. By never being politic except exceptionally, since all politics always ended bad, since man in his vanity never got it through that all power is evil by its latent paranoia and self-destructive corruption, since already the ancient Greeks realized all power only to be hubris and downright unnatural, it has never retreated but only expanded; and I dare propound the thesis that it still dominates all English- and French-speaking countries. Even the Venetians, who founded the first modern republic, which became the longest living ever, were originally Kelts. Even in Spain and Portugal, and not just in the Basque province, the Keltic legacy goes on, like in the Alpine countries, the Netherlands and far down into the Balkans. The Kelts never surface, though, except where they are obvious, like in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany, which is the secret of its survival and very existence: it has always been invisible and worked underground.


The Kelts never had political leaders but were guided by the Druids, who simply were the bearers of Knowledge, of nature and culture, of history and tradition, of the soul and the universe. Their everlasting memorial is Stonehenge, which is like a universal laboratory, a combined altar and astronomic observatory, planetarium and landmark of cult and worship, of the same functional and metaphysical importance as the great pyramids of Egypt and the temples of Central America from the same period. The Druids did not rule but merely acted as counsellors, but their words carried weight, since they were venerated as holy, since they held the only real power, which is knowledge, especially of the soul and nature. Their religion therefore was a universal and pantheistic nature cult with no gods, where the divine element was life itself, which was the object of worship, especially in its toughest and most lasting forms, therefore above all the trees and especially the oaken tree. It was consequently humble in character and not in the least dogmatic or self-imposing. It was quite simply natural and lived basically only on the natural piety and feeling of universal unity inspired by all free life in living nature. Therefore it could also like a chamelion steal into and absorb any other religious or philosophic form. It was the only religion that could adapt itself to any other religion.


My mission during the last years, when I have been so quiet and inactive in The Free Thinker and on Internet, has been trying to add to the stabilization of peace in Northern Ireland in its passage from chronic self-destructive political violence to reconciliation, compromise and co-operation, and I claim this to be the right course for the whole world. We don’t need violence. We don’t need ambitious power. We don’t need nationalism, egoism and greed. What humanity first of all needs is to make peace with nature, which he has caused and continues to cause irrepairable damage, which now obviously imports the possibility of her revenge with eventual disasters ruining the planet as a consequence. All people must co-operate to manage the crisis and survive, and then it will not do to have war and violence and self-imdulgent autocracies. The Druids concentrated on the right management of knowledge from the past and the economy of the present to keep nature and history in balance as continuously, smoothly and harmoniously as possible. There are still so called druids, but during the centuries they appeared in various other forms, such as the philosophers of antiquity, the saints of the middle ages, the humanists of the renaissance, the philosophers of the enlightenment, and so on. Their primary task is to administer wisdom and carry on the tree of knowledge, that is the vital knowledge of man’s accountability in life and the universe. And thus they are the very teachers that humanity always needs and always will need, and who always will be where needed.


John Bede, summer 2008.


The independence of Tibet confirmed

IUSY World Congress? Resolution reaffirms Tibet as an independent state

 From Phayul, Tuesday, January 29, 2008

with comment.

 A resolution on Tibet adopted at the 27th World Congress of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) reaffirms Tibet as an independent State and condemns the illegal occupation of Tibet by China.

  The resolution reaffirms the 5-point resolution passed during the IUSY Asia Pacific Committee Meeting held last year and, which, among others, accepts Tibet as an independent State and condemns the illegal occupation of Tibet.

  The three-day World Congress of the IUSY was concluded on Sunday in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Over 150 delegates from 68 countries, including Tibet attended the World Congress. The Congress was inaugurated on January 25 by Miguel Vargas Maldonado, one of the top candidates of the Presidential election of the Dominican Republic to be held on May 16, 2008.

  Tsewang Rigzin, President of the Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest Tibetan non-governmental organisation in exile, represented Tibet at the IUSY?s World Congress.

  The agenda of the Congress was "People in Movement". Accordingly, a six-page report titled, "Tibet: The need for a Greater Movement" was presented to the Congress by Mr Tsewang Rigzin.

  Following resolution on Tibet was passed by this World Congress with the support by an overwhelming majority:

  While reaffirming the 5-point resolution adopted during the IUSY Asia Pacific Committee Meeting held in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, last June, XXVII IUSY World Congress further:

  1. Demands the abandonment of China?s population transfer policy in Tibet (that violates the UN Atlanta Charter), which threatens the very survival of the Tibetans and promotes ethnic assimilation in Tibet.

  2. Strongly condemns China?s sinister marginalization policy in Tibet that results in the eventual forced eviction of the Tibetan people from their land, house, job and the hometowns.

  3. Urges upon the government of Nepal to revoke the policy of repatriation of the Tibetan refugees fleeing Tibet and provide a safe passage for the Tibetans fleeing prosecution and repression from the Chinese Government in accordance with UN Refugee Conventions.

  4. Calls on the Government of the People's Republic of China for the immediate withdrawal of the so-called Order no 5, China?s new regulatory measures for recognition of reincarnations of Living Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism and stop violation of religious freedom in Tibet.

  5. Calls on the PRC government to immediately cease all practices of sending 'work team' to the religious institutions for carrying out the ' Patriotic Re-education Campaign'.

  Resolution 1 on Tibet was objected to by one of the delegates who said Chinese should be allowed into Tibet and also stated, ?Dalai Lama wants a monastic state?. However, the objection was clarified by the Tibetan delegate saying the objection was unsubstantiated and further informed the Congress of the fact that ?Tibetans already have a democratic government in exile in India, and will have a democratic government when Tibet regains its Independence from China?.

  IUSY was founded in August 1907. It is an international movement of youths struggling for democratic socialism, freedom, human rights, equality, democracy and international solidarity. IUSY World Congress is held every two years and, IUSY World Council and IUSY Asia Pacific Committee Meeting are held annually.




The probably most insane part of the Chinese Tibetan policy is what is touched upon in point 1: the ethnic inundation of Tibet by Chinese, to a climate and altitude which they were not physically made for, while at the same time 130,000 Tibetans are driven into exile in low countries the climate and weather conditions of which neither they were made for.

That China during its 60 years of occupation of Tibet consciously and systematically has actively worked for destroying the whole Tibetan culture and identity by demolishing 6246 monasteries and temples, schools and institutions, while after the death of Mao only 10% of these have been restored for the sake of tourism, are already too well known facts to be worth repeating, as well as the genocide committed on a fifth of the whole Tibetan people.

The mass sterilization of Tibetan women and mothers and the organ export of ?already doomed prisoners? (most commonly Falun Gong practitioners forcibly hospitalized in psychiatric asylums) for the most lucrative export abroad to foreign hospitals, are rather questions that concern all people suffering under the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and not just the Tibetans.



The war of madness on good sense




This cannot pass unnoticed.

It is too blatant in preposterous absurdity.

It is too over-obvious and can never be defended.

Mrs Bhutto wanted peace and sense to rule in Pakistan

and therefore was assassinated by a suicide bomber.

Can it get more sick ?

the state of fundamentalists and terrorists,

the fanatism of psychopathic paranoia

waging holy war against a woman

just because she was a woman of some influence,

a blind attack on all the values of civilization,

justice, reason, sense, constructivism and education

only to enforce dictatorship intolerance

and backward brainwash unto death at any cost.

And this was not the first time.

The same brute force was launched in Burma

against peaceful demonstrants

who only asked for what was reasonable

also led by one courageous and heroic woman

who has been imprisoned for some sixteen years.

In China this war of insanity against good sense,

against all human rights, against suppressed Tibetans

and against the perils of philosophy and Buddhist wisdom

has been going on for sixty years

and still not tires in its efforts to exterminate

the freedom of the human mind and thought and conscience

and the life and culture and the history of the Tibetan nation.

They will never tire, all those mad dogs of barbarity

in their efforts to annihilate all sense

and beauty that excels their own,

and they will never learn, the miserable bastards,

that they never will be able to succeed.



Vanvettets krig mot förnuftet


Det kan ej passera obemärkt.

Det är för skriande i sin absurda överdrift.

Det är för övertydligt och förblir för alltid oförsvarligt.

Hon reste hem till Pakistan för att få fred,

demokrati och sunt förnuft i landet

och blev därför mördad av en självmordsbombare.

Kan det bli mera sjukt, ett sådant tillstånd

av förtvivlad fundamentalism och terrorism,

en psykopatisk paranoias fanatism,

som krigar mot en kvinna

bara för att hon är inflytelserik som sådan,

en blind attack mot alla civilisationens värden,

rättvisa, fönuft, konstruktivism och utbildning

och blott för att forcera etablerad diktaturs intolerans

med hjärntvättsbakåtsträvande till döds till vilket pris som helst.

Och detta var ej första gången.

Samma blint brutala maktspråk fördes nyligen i Burma

emot fridens demonstranter

som blott bad om självklarheter,

också ledda av en modig och heroisk kvinna

som har hållits fängslad nu i mer än 16 år.

I Kina har det galna kriget mot förnuftet,

mot mänskliga rättigheter, mot förtryckta tibetaner

och mot faran av buddhistiskt sunt förnuft och dess filosofi

nu förts i sextio år och fortsätter med syndens envishet att föra kampen

krampaktigt mot samvetsfrihet, tankefrihet och yttrandefrihet

och emot all tibetansk identitet, historia och kultur.

De tycks aldrig tröttna, alla dessa galna hundar av okunnighet

i sina fåfänga försök att krossa allt förnuft och skönhet

som begår det brottet att de överstiger deras egen,

och de lär sig aldrig, dessa miserabla uslingar,

att de ej någonsin kan lyckas.



A Tibetan's Voice,
by Thupten Tendar,

and a poem. 

"As a Tibetan refugee, I'd like to give my perspective on our dying nation. Historically speaking, Tibet was led by kings, lamas and others based on the law of "Ten Virtues" and the 16 human principles, introduced by King Songtsan Gampo in the seventh century. I am not claiming that Tibet, prior to 1950s, was free of any conflict. No part of our world was. However, the ruling communist party has afflicted the brain of many non-Tibetans with its baseless propaganda by teaching fabricated history classes. So I, being a refugee with a parent who survived our genocide and diaspora, have a personal responsibility to make people understand Tibet properly.

Upon the Chinese takeover, thousands of monks, including my own uncle in Kham, were dragged off their meditation cushions and beheaded for nothing else than being a monk. The only allegation Mao Tse-Tung and his army made against these men was that they were monks practicing their religion, which the communists believe is poison to a society. The lay communities in Tibet pay their highest respect to the ordained people. They consider it a great honor for their son or daughter to join a monastery or nunnery because of their own faith. They rejoice in the spiritual community. Anybody who tries to break this relationship doesn't understand Tibet and the Tibetan spirit properly.

My mother ran into exile with her mother and two sisters. She barely made it to India. She was separated from her mother and sisters, and to this day has never heard from them again. They might have been killed by the so-called liberators, buried under snow or dead of hunger.

More than one million Tibetans were heartlessly killed by those who some people still claim were bringing liberation and prosperity to Tibet. If the real purpose of their invasion is for development of Tibet, then why did they divide it into many new parts and rename them in Chinese? Why did they destroy the Tibetan ecology, which caused deadly floods in China? Why do they choose their own version of the Panchen Lama and claim the right to select the future reincarnations of Tibetan lamas - even as they decry religion? Why do they build prisons and military bases rather than hospitals and schools? How can the words "freedom and democracy" appearing on Google, Yahoo and other websites hamper their mission development? Why are they afraid of dialogue with a figure of peace? Is the free media really harmful to growth and modernization?

I don't hate China. I appreciate most of my Chinese brothers and sisters for being nothing but warmhearted, courageous and compassionate toward me. But the Chinese occupation of Tibet was the first time in more than 2,000 years of Tibetan history that so many people were massacred in the region. Hundreds of thousands of Tibetans had to flee their homeland to become refugees. Our basic human rights were snatched away. They say communism brought peace and prosperity to Tibet. Sorry, we don't need any such blessings!

Thupten Tendar"

Tibet - a poem

And can we stand by and just look on?
6246 monasteries and temples
robbed and ruined and destroyed,
a fifth of the whole population murdered,
hundred thirty thousand forced into exile
and about 3000 fleeing every year
across the mountains over passes of 6000 meters,
a civilization and a culture deliberately devastated
by an occupying atheist autocracy
continuing enforcing violent oppression to this day,
now 58 years of colonization by brute force,
destruction, brainwash propaganda
and enforced materialism and atheism.
The Chinese Communist regime is kowtowed to
by all the business world for its economy
while therefore politicians also crawl
to that most dreadful rotten empire of lies,
an outward face all smiles,
an inward face all cruelty, deceit and power greed.
It started off Pol Pot, manipulating him
to run the holocaust regime of poor Cambodia,
it gave to Pakistan its nuclear potency
and served both sides of Nepal's civil war with weapons,
it is maintaining Burma's military inhumanity
of drug monopolies of heroin and total tyranny,
and what else? The ruins of Tibet
if anything cry out forever
against cruelty and atheism as the ideology
of the most corrupt communist regime in history - of China.

about music...

"I have been working very hard primarily with music and recordings ever since I came home, and there have been lots of problems, especially practical ones, and even M. has had problems with his technical apparatus, which hasn't always worked. But now my first 8 ballades (out of 18 in total so far) are available on the web in mp3. The recordings are not implicitly perfect technically, but at least they give you an idea of the music.


Life in music is a kind of imprisonment but at the same time a liberation from the world stuck with the horrors of realism. We need them both but have the better one to be able to support with the one that causes us problems...



Our world

Ours is a world of beauty

so much finer than the ordinary world

of strife, vulgarity and commonness,

of egoism, shortsightedness and vanity,

while ours lasts forever

gilded by the harmony of unsurpassed nobility

of the refinement and idealism of abstract triuth

as found by geniuses like Handel, Beethoven, Chopin

and Brahms, a higher world of thought

than any brutal realism, and actually

a truer world than any real one.

Since we know the key and have it,

let's just stick to it and keep it

and forget about the rest,

that keeps committing all their follies

on the road to self-destruction

better without us,

who are reserved for better purposes

than just the ordinariness of vanity.


Music link:


The bombings in Karachi...

139 victims - for what?
They tried to kill a woman
coming home after eight years of exile,
engaged some willing suicide bombers
who would do anything to upset
the peace process of Pakistan
towards democracy, law and order
and obstruct any effort
of reconciliation between the military and democracy,
trying to kill off all possibilities of co-operation at once,
for the glory of fundamentalism, anarchy, the Talibans
and terror, while they only killed themselves
and brought with them 139 innocents,
women and children, old people and civilians
and anyone who just wanted to say welcome
to the mother of the nation coming back.
It's not politics. It's fundamental mass suicide
hitting islam at its roots
by using violence in aiming at the contrary
which always boomerangs
and kills the future
instead of building it.

Burma - another Tibet

Burma - another Tibet


(with some tribute to Aung San Suu Kyi)


My lady, bravest in the world,

who never really wanted to become a politician

but preferred to stay with flower decorations and to play the piano,

you were only two years old when your great father was assassinated,

who gave Burma independence and democracy with British blessings

and was murdered by the enemies of peace and of democracy,

who have controlled the country practically ever since

and ruthlessly, since 1947, sixty years of military tyranny

and, as in all dictatorships, of total limitless corruption,

they today maintain the main monopoly of heroin in south east Asia,

which provide them with enormous fortunes while the people starve,

their military power being backed up by the communists of China,

without which, most probably, the nation would long since have been

a prospering democracy. Instead, the younger generation is kept down

by drugs, two thirds of all drug addicts being positive with HIV

with no financial means or possibility to even test themselves;

which means that Burma probably, because of the dictatorship,

has the worst Aids statistics in all Asia. Half of all the heroin

that reaches USA, Australia and America

is manufactured in "the golden triangle" of Burma,

Thailand and Laos, which the military governors of Burma

naturally has supported, since it stabilizes their position,

so that the production keeps on doubling.

So the people protest, and the military shoot them

for the safety of their heroin financial empire

and their extreme blindfolded limitless corruption.

China, by the way, is also chief supporter of Robert Mugabe.



The Theatre Conference

 A presentation and illustration of a plausible theory of how the Shakespeare set-up was fixed and why.


The Theatre Conference


present :


Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford

Francis Bacon

Christopher Marlowe

Ferdinando and

William Stanley, future earls of Derby


an invited guest


The conference takes place towards the end of May 1593.



Copyright @  Christian Lanciai, September 2007.



Oxford   Well, however shall we solve this problem? I refuse to meddle with it myself.

Bacon Let me remind you, that you started the whole thing, dear cousin. You can't deny your responsibility.

Oxford  And why the hell did you have to get into such a brawl with the authorities, Kit? You could have had a splendid career as the head of the whole theatre venture, if you hadn't made so many rogues your enemies.

Marlowe They picked a quarrel with me. I didn't ask for it. I didn't invite Bradley to duel with me. I didn't provoke the Flushing trouble. I did nothing to start archbishop's Whitgift's inquisition.

Oxford  If anyone asked for trouble, you did! You with your pamphlets against the whole Anglican church!

Marlowe I was never caught. No one knows it was me.

Bacon  But your atheistic lecture was still somewhat over the top, Kit. You knew very well that no authority in this country would have tolerated anything like it, since all authorities with the crown and Queen on top depend entirely on the Christian faith for their positions.

Marlowe  That's why I gave the lecture clandestinely and only to the happy few.

Bacon  But you must have been aware of the nature of rumours how nothing can check them.

Marlowe  Isn't that what our whole activity is all about? Isn't everything we do 'in secret'? Haven't you,  Sir Edward, written every single play of yours and had it produced 'secretly'?

William That's in many ways our very dilemma, that we are always compelled to hide underground with our enterprise. But a worse dilemma is that the authorities are after you, Kit. We must get you out of the way somehow.

Ferdinando He can easily find refuge with our Catholics up in Lancashire.

William  It's not enough. The authorities headed by Whitgift want him dead together with the heretic, traitor and spy John Penry.

Marlowe  Who is innocent.

William  That's not the point. They will hang him.

Marlowe  Is it utterly impossible to snatch him out of the gallows? I knew him well. We shared the same criticism against the Church. We were fellow students. I always appraised him greatly.

William  I am truly sorry, but it's completely impossible to save him. Father has spoken with both the Queen and Burghley. Whitgift craves his life.

Ferdinando  What about the following scheme. Let's take care of Penry's body after the hanging and let it pass as Marlowe's. In that way we can save Marlowe from the inquisition peril by having him publicly declared dead.

William  It's risky. Afterwards no one must whisper a word about that he lives, and he can never again use his own name.

Bacon  We simply have to protect him and garantee his safety with an obligation of total silence.

Oxford  We are still stuck with the basic problem. Whatever shall we do with all the plays, if not even Marlowe can head them with his name? My name is out of the question, as are yours, Ferdinando and William, since we are nobles. Bacon is involved with the government, so his name can't be used either. You were the perfect playwright, Kit, and could have taken care of all our plays and given them a classical status, and then you get denounced by one of your fine friends for atheism, coining, homosexuality, blasphemy and all the worst crimes in christianity just because you can't shut up but have to boast your intelligence and controversial ideas to give any informer the chance to report the worst possible about you to the highest authority of the realm! From having been our greatest hope you have turned into a total disaster, Christopher Marlowe!

Bacon Take it easy, cousin. Don't be so theatrical. You have got into various trouble spots yourself in your heyday and constantly been banished from court for that reason. You survived only because you were of the country's most ancient nobility.

Oxford  But we have a problem on our hands! We can't continue our theatre activities with its fantastic expansion potential without a single marketable name!

William  We have Chapman.

Oxford  That old fogey!  A mouldy academician! No one takes him seriously as a poet. He is only a good as a translator.

Bacon  I have another idea. I happen to know a young ambitious theatre amateur from the country, who has escaped from home from a considerably older wife with some too hastily conceived children, three of them, who has come to London to try his luck. He is simple but honest and a splendid reciter. I have heard him. He could take on any part.

Ferdinando  You suggest that under his cover as a theatre enthusiast, Marlowe could continue writing plays and go on working on the old ones?

Bacon  I have tried the possibility carefully and found it workable.

Oxford  Who is this amateur player? He mustn't be stupid, he must be perfectly reliable and be able to sustain whatever part we give him to play, he must be able to keep up appearances under any circumstances.

Bacon  He is quite reliable since he is a shrewd business man. He knows the importance of silence when it's best for all.

Willliam  Would it be possible to see him?

Bacon I have actually asked him to come here for you to make his acquaintance, if it would please you.

Ferdinando  You must be prepared to give up your name, Kit, to let another carry your plays.

Marlowe  What's a name? Sir Walter Raleigh has consistently refused to put his name under anything he has written.

Oxford  He is not alone. Almost all of us did the same.

William  Pity he couldn't be here with us today.

Bacon  He knows what's going on. I keep him informed.

Oxford  So may we meet this intriguing helper?

Bacon (rises and opens a door)  Please enter, William Shakspere.

(A man enters of clear eyes and open brows, his character giving a clear impression of confidence, honesty and reliability.)

Oxford  So this is our man. Do you know what it is all about?

Will (to Marlowe) Your plays are outstanding, Kit Marlowe, and I regret that you can't carry on your activity. I will gladly offer you my name, if it means you can continue writing for us.

Marlowe  You seem to be one of those rare persons I could easily co-operate with and trust.

Will  I will be at your service out of gratitude for your art.

Ferdinando  The case seems to have cleared. 

William  Yes, I think we have solved the problem.

Bacon  Then we just have to get started and organize the transition. We have to inform the Queen and have her with us. You must convince your father, Ferdinando and William, to persuade the Queen. She will have to provide a suitable coroner to take care of the formalities. Marlowe's death must become irrefutable.

Oxford  This is a better intrigue than any of our plays.

Bacon  Maybe it will be staged one day.

Oxford  After my death in that case, and after we all have passed away. We commission Marlowe to write any play except that one.

Bacon  What about it, Marlowe? Are you on?

Marlowe  Of course.

Bacon  Anyone against? Master Shakspere?

Shakspere  If only the production of the plays may continue I am sure the enterprise must be exclusively successful.

William  Can we count on the Queen?

Oxford  She loves the theatre. She can't do without it.

Bacon  You are perfectly right, cousin. No one is more certain for our safety than the Queen, since the theatre is developing into the formost propaganda instrument of our government.

Ferdinando  Then we are all agreed. Thank heavens for that! You'll manage, Marlowe! (gives him  an encouraging slap)  You can continue the dramatization of the war of the roses in more peace and quiet than ever.

Marlowe  That's all I desire: to be able to continue to work in peace.

Oxford That's a common interest to us all.

Bacon  The conference is over.

(They break up under more relaxed and relieved auspices.)




This effort to reconstruct the set-up of Shakspere is firstly based on the fact that Bacon was the only one among the Shakespeare candidates who had definite connections with the Shakspere family of Stratford.


Of course, it's only a speculation, but it fits the pieces we alredy have of the Shakespeare puzzle, constituting and sketching some possible missing ones.


Regard it merely as a theory and just another contribution to the ocean of Shakespeare speculations and theories.






The poisoned Falun Gong practitioner

So far 800 cases like this have become known.



The poisoned Falun Gong practitioner:



I don't know what they do to me.

I have been here now for I don't know how long,

but I am not alone at least.

We are a number in this concentration camp,

but I don't know how many,

since I cannot count correctly any more.

I don't know why they make us invalids

unfit for work, disqualified for anything, -

perhaps to show the world how dumb we are,

as if the world would close their eyes to what we were before

we were sequestered, isolated and imprisoned

just for sticking faithfully to universalism,

the association with the cosmic mind

in Lao Tzu's and Buddha's imitation,

which for some strange reason the authorities

decided to have us exterminated for;

but I must say their methods are peculiar.

We are loaded, force-fed with destructive drugs,

we don't know which, they put them in our food,

or they inject them into us by force,

so we become like vegetables,

losing the control of our bodies,

of our mind and memory,

our faculty for analytical and logic thought,

our will to reason and our energy to live,

while at the same time we of course become unfit for work

and merely exist as zombies, lying dying in our beds,

like wrecks but wrecked on purpose,

why? Because we had free minds?

Believed in something better,

stuck to our cultural traditions,

aimed for some religious higher meaning of our lives?

I just don't understand why our authorities

insist on undermining and destroying

everything that shows a different path

from the established lies of their dictatorship,

as if that was a sensible activity,

which no one in the world can see

how it could lead to anything except destruction.




The Crying Tree


A true story



It was a lady who told me the story.

She was staying in a house out in the country

with an ancient giant oaken tree quite close

with branches stretching over it

and roots down deep under the basement.

She found difficulty sleeping in this house,

and gradually the aches began in all her limbs,

which she could not explain,

since there was nothing wrong with her.

No sleep, and aches all over,

unexplainable, and then a total sadness

that just made her cry for nothing

while the pains increased intolerably.

Suddenly she realized:

it was that old tree affecting her.

Her female empathy had found communion with the tree,

which recently had had two giant branches cut,

which now the tree was seized with anguish for,

in pain trying to heal and not to bleed to death.

The tree was something like three hundred years of age,

and at that age to have some amputation is no easy matter.

Trees are human, and their DNA is close to our own.

It has been proved, that when some trees are cut down in a forest,

it is felt by other trees and even trees as far away

as in the very other end of that same forest,

which is like an organism and a community,

where all the trees co-operate communing with each other.


That was something about trees, their sensitivity and human feelings,

and about the fact how actually it hurts in all Dame Nature

when they are cut down.


Comment on the situation in Tibet

This dilemma calls for some urgent and constant attention:




Dalai Lama's shattered dream for Tibet



The Japan Times

Saturday, May 26, 2007


MADRAS ? Tibet looks like a dream shattered. You feel this when you hear the stories of horror told and retold by Buddhist monks and nuns who have escaped from Tibet and taken refuge in Dharamshala, the center of the Dalai Lama's government in exile in India.


Nestled in the foothills of the snow-clad Himalayas, Dharamshala is deceptive in many ways. The Dalai Lama hides deep worries behind his serene smile: He knows he is not going to live forever, and the community he leads could lose any hope, however faint it may be, of seeing a free Tibet.


The nuns and monks who have run away from years of humiliation and torture at the hands of the Chinese in Tibet also despair. They know that their sacrifice may have been in vain.


Once a supremely spiritual civilization, Tibet revered the Dalai Lama before the Chinese invasion in the 1950s. It is this religious society that Beijing is bent on destroying ? maiming and killing anybody who refuses to give up his beliefs or who harbors the slightest hope of political autonomy. The Chinese have torn apart monasteries and killed roughly 1.2 million Tibetans since the annexation in 1959.


Now, however, China has adopted a more tactical approach to crushing Tibetan resistance. The country's president, Hu Jintao, who once imposed martial law on Tibet, has realized that heavy-handed steps lead to greater rebellion as well as international attention and protests. Since Beijing covets the billions of barrels of oil and gas recently discovered in Tibet, it has begun to co-opt Tibetans in modernizing the Roof of the World, while quietly silencing the core of dissent, monkhood.


Although China has said publicly it will promote and encourage Buddhism as well as restore monasteries and palaces to their former glory, the picture behind this veneer of tolerance is still one of ruthless elimination. The Chinese hold patriotic conclaves where Tibetan monks and nuns are told to forget the Dalai Lama.


As Tibet's capital city, Lhasa, undergoes changes beyond recognition, with even a rail link to China, Tibetans are being slowly pushed to the fringes. An increasing number of Chinese are setting up shop and home in Lhasa ? with train services facilitating such relocation. Beijing knows this is the best way to control the local population.


Chinese officials often blatantly cheat rural Tibetans out of their own land, convincing them to give it up for promises of property in the city. The promise is never kept, and the farmland goes to Chinese entrepreneurs, who convert it into industrial zones.


Watching almost helplessly from afar is the Dalai Lama, who knows that if he does not set foot in Tibet before he dies, his people will be furious. His strategy of a middle path ? asking for greater political and cultural autonomy instead of total freedom and holding talks with Chinese envoys ? has not yielded results. His people know that Beijing is waiting for his death, after which the Tibetans may find themselves rudderless.


Many Tibetans are not willing to go down without a fight. Today, at Dharamshala, one can hear open criticism of the Dalai Lama. He is accused of selling out to the Chinese. Campaigning against the Dalai Lama, and for total freedom, is Tenzin Tsundue, a young Tibetan who has become the most important figure among the exiles in Dharamshala. He and his band of followers have abandoned the Dalai Lama's peaceful approach and draw their strength from militants like Palestinians.


This may go against the very grain of Buddhism, whose founder believed in one overriding principle: nonviolence. But Tibetan youngsters who adore Tsundue have little time or patience for values that have gotten them nowhere.


In India, Tibetans have stormed Chinese consulates and the embassy. During a recent visit by Hu Jintao, a young Tibetan tried to immolate himself outside the Bombay hotel where the Chinese president was staying.


Tibetan hardliners are targeting the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the new train line to Lhasa. In the days to come, violence could manifest itself more intensely in various ways. When the Dalai Lama finally goes, his followers will have little to fall back upon. The hardliners may then try to convince Tibetans that since the Dalai Lama's Buddhist doctrine of peace, love and the middle path did not fetch any tangible result for decades, violence is the only answer.


But with China ready to treat such Tibetans as terrorists in a world that is growing weary of violence and bloodshed, the new Tibetan approach to winning freedom may well come to nothing.


What seems more likely to happen is that Tibet will be firmly amalgamated with China as all traces of its ancient civilization and spirituality vanish. Tibetan culture may end up as just another chapter in a history book.


B. Gautam



The problem is the greatest dictatorship in the world, which the whole world kowtows to in submission to its capitalistic success: so far it has paid to support this totalitarianism, so all opportunists (which most of mankind are) continue encouraging the regime that slaughtered its own subjects at Tiananmen Square 4th June 1989, forces abortion and sterilization on mothers who have more than one child, still worships their Big Brother Dictator Mao as something of a saint although he was the greatest murderer in history with some 100 million homicides on his responsibility, and so on. 


Dictatorships are not acceptable and must never be acceptable, especially after the century that brought forth dictators like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, Mugabe, Idi Amin and Pol Pot, who was actually directed in his genocide against his own people by Mao. 


As long as the world supports any dictatorship, the world will continue going to hell.