De kinesiska kvinnorna

De kinesiska kvinnorna


Varje år begår 150,000 kvinnor i Kina självmord. De som försöker men inte lyckas beräknas till cirka en miljon. Det är det enda landet i världen där fler kvinnor än män begår självmord. Den främsta anledningen är att kvinnan i Kina aldrig lyckats bli fri från sin lägre rang – i Kina har kvinnan aldrig haft någon status. Det är naturligtvis värre ute på landsbygden än i de rikare städerna, men under senare år har statistiken uppvisat en dramatisk ökning, som antagligen beror på det ökade ekonomiska trycket – man måste vara kapitalist i Kina idag, och klarar man sig inte som sådan och kan motstå konkurrensen finns det inget skyddsnät. Känslan av värdelöshet hos kvinnorna, som i sina äktenskap vanligen tvingas till tröstlös ensamhet, är därmed en regel med få undantag och den vanligaste anledningen till desperata självmordsåtgärder, vanligen genom inmundigandet av insektsgifter. Det är helt enkelt enda flyktmöjligheten undan den hopplösa anonymiteten och diskrimineringen. Det görs lama försök till motarbetning av könsdiskrimineringen som lokalt visar tecken till framgång, men det behövs mera. Bristen på jämlikhet och social trygghet är skriande och har blivit ännu mera så under de senaste tio årens förföljelse av de som mediterar enligt Falun Gong-metoden. De är minst 70 miljoner och har sedan 1999 utsatts för troligen världens största folkförföljelse, där det att man blott visar sig meditera innebär att man är fritt villebråd för tvångsintagningsivrare, organhandlare, översittarpoliser och angivare, då meditation enligt Falun Gong är stämplat av regimen som statsfientlig verksamhet och dess utövare offentligt brännmärkta som en ond sekt. Att den ateistiska regimen betraktar all andlig verksamhet med paranoid mordlystnad är ingenting nytt, det har den gjort sedan 1949 vilket tibetanerna och uigurerna minsann fått erfara sedan deras länder ockuperades med våld för snart 60 år sedan, men att regimen även vänder sig mot en så oskyldig verksamhet som ren meditation, som omfattas av en betydligt större del av folket än det krympande regeringspartiet, är relativt nytt och lär tyvärr knappast motverka kvinnans ständiga martyrskap i det samhälle i världen som måste betecknas som det grymmaste, som också har världens ledande miljöförstöring att skryta med och toppar den klimatvärmande utsläppsbovligan i världen utan konkurrens, - utom att Kina avrättar fler människor årligen än hela världen för övrigt. Iran som nummer två kommer långt efter.

Lägg till detta enbarnstvånget i kinesiska familjer, som leder till att icke önskvärda döttrar gärna undanröjes, medan statistiken på kinesiska mödrar som steriliserats för att de fött mer än ett barn är en annan cancerfläck på den kinesiska kommunismen. Vilken moder vill leva vidare efter tvångssterilisering? Ett annat resultat av allt detta är den demografiska förvridningen i Kina som ständigt förvärras åt onaturligt håll, så att det blir fler och fler män (som ensamma barn) och ständigt färre (icke önskvärda) kvinnor.

När de på sitt land bestulna uigurerna till slut gör ett förtvivlat uppror mot den förtryckande ockupationsmaktens ständiga övervåld och diskriminering, anklagar kineserna uigurerna för att ställa till med bråk och håvar in dem, precis som tibetanerna, med livstidsstraff och avrättningar att vänta med nya lönsamma organtransplantationer i beredskap. Och detta Kina värnar hela världen om i svansande kryperi av fruktan för att förlora sina lönsamma affärer med Kina, som Nixon och Kissinger öppnade porten för genom offrandet av allt stöd för det demokratiska Taiwan och Tibets sista frihetskämpar, detta Kina, vars alltjämt regerande parti var den drivande kraften bakom Pol Pot-regimen i Kambodja och som håller Burmajuntan om ryggen, världens mest omänskliga militärdiktatur, och som försett Pakistan med kärnvapenteknologi och är vapenexportör åt Mugabe och folkmördarregimen i Khartoum, utom att det är det enda land som alltid hållit Nordkorea om ryggen, den sjukaste skurkstaten av alla. Kina står därmed in flagrantia bakom alla världens framträdande skurkstater, och hela världen kröker rygg för Kina av rädsla för att gå miste om dess lönsamma affärer, precis som världens politiker kröp för nazisterna under 30-talet. Inte konstigt att världsekonomin går åt helvete.

Vem var det som sade: ”Den regeringen är en skam för världen så länge den får hålla på”? Det var Olof Palme, men han sade det aldrig om Kina eller Nordkorea och allra minst om Pol Pot. 

Det går inte att ha en sådan nation i en värld, som inför det klimatologiska universalhotet kräver att alla samarbetar för motverkan av klimatförändringen.



My Tibetan friend

You travel all across the Himalayas
as an outcast, outlawed by the occupants
and forced in exile since your childhood,
forced to cross the snows in winter across passes
of six thousand meters, where the butchers of your country
stand in wait prepared to gun down any refugees
who have the unacceptable impertinence to flee their country
occupied by probably the cruellest of the world's autocracies,
an atheist totalitarian regime which makes all human life impossible
for those who can't subject themselves to anti-spiritualism,
enforced fanatical ideology of atheism,
the national compulsory political denial of the soul
and all its natural demands and needs of freedom.
They have destroyed your country, ruined almost every temple,
almost every monastery and burnt most of all your books,
a thousand years' collection of hand-written manuscripts,
they have reduced your people,
those that were not extirpated,
to sub-citizens of second rate,
if they at all are given rights as citizens,
and killed off one fifth of your population
to replace it gradually with Han Chinese,
a long-perspective ethnic cleansing
typical of socialist dictatorships,
and sterilized an unknown number of your women
and your mothers also after forced abortions,
carried off 240.000 of your ladies
forcing them to slave work down in China
forced to marry Chinese men
who then are forced to populate your country
as another link in the methodic long-term ethnic cleansing.
How many of you have already been lost in concentration camps,
in prisons, tortured to extinction,
or abducted already as children
to be brainwashed and brought up as Chinese puppet capos?
As the Jews keep screaming on and on
with every right to every now and then remind the world
of crimes against humanity committed by political autocracy,
so you Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians
never must stop showing up your testimony to the world
about the slow but fatal holocaust
that still goes on today
and has been carried on for sixty years
by the totalitarian party ruling the Chinese.

The Genocide Olympics



Sarkozy is going there, the president of France,

to boost French business with the genocide autocracy,

although he previously was eager

to lead boycott protests against China,

which continues persecuting innocents,

like Falun Gong practitioners,

a constant gold mine for Chinese authorities

for harvesting of human organs

safely in the mental wards

where Falun Gong practitioners are put away

reduced to apathy and drugged unconscious

for the profitable organ market greed,

together with all other religious minorities,

like Christians, Buddhists, not to speak of farmers

causing demonstration trouble all across the country

for their being used, exploited and evicted,

while the genocide goes on in secret in Tibet

with covert murdering of monks and prisoners

brought into jail on mere suspicion.

The Berlin Olympics 72 years ago

were also a manifestation triumph

of successful propaganda for totalitarianism,

but then the Germans had not yet commenced

their genocide procedure, and the Moscow

failed Olympics 1980 were at least subjected

to the boycott of some 50 nations.

Now concerning China everybody knows

about the genocide that constantly goes on,

and still, not only Bush but even Sarkozy,

the momentary chairman of the European union,

which officially is democratic,

will pay homage to the genocide Olympics

for the sake of European business interests

with the greatest and most cruel of all autocracies

that nurtures Burma and its junta

and was backing up Pol Pot before Zimbabwe and Sudan.








Who shall save the world

when everything is going wrong,

the only superpower going down the bog

of economical disaster as the natural result

of warring madness failure in Iraq,

a king size caca and the worst mistake in US history

destroying universally its credibility,

while it gets into the economic clutches

of the greatest, cruellest and worst dictatorship,

the fascist state of lies called China,

spreading its colonial tentacles

all round in south east Asia and Africa,

a new colonial superpower to which USA

is falling into economic slavery.

What shall we do? What can we do?

I am afraid, that all that we can do

is to at least take care of our own freedom

and integrity as individuals,

refusing brainwash imposition and extortion;

and our hope and comfort is the fact,

that all successful revolutions start from inside

in the heart and soul; and that at least

is still in our possession and our power.


The Fountain House



The Fountain House


In 1948 the world was drowned in the social problems of the aftermath of the second world war, mainly the countless multitudes of ’displaced persons’. In Europe most of these were of course Jews, and the problem was so overwhelming, that there was no option but to place them in concentration camps, so called Displaced Person Camps, naturally not like the Nazi camps but all the same behind barbed wire, waiting for the problem to be resolved, which it wasn’t in Europe, as long as Prime Minister Clement Attlee of Britain and his foreign secretary Ernest Bevin refused to allow more than a very limited number of Jewish immigrants into Palestine, not to upset the Arabs, who had oil. Chief responsible for these post-war concentration camps was general Patton, who enforced the confinement of these people behind barbed wire, expressing the view that such people only could be treated as cattle.


Only president Truman had some human views on the situation, who insisted on Palestine being opened to unlimited immigration. The labour government of Britain was equally insistent on refusing this. Instead, more and more of the displaced persons of Europe saw America as their only possibility.


Of course, they were not less displaced over there, and Ernest Bevin cynically attributed the American insistence on the opening of Palestine to the Americans being themselves unwilling to accept the displaced persons, but America did actually take care of them. One of those umbrella organizations was the Fountain House, who in this very year had their first premises opened on 47th Street in New York, which still are their headquarters, the same year in which all the eastern European states were engulfed by the Soviet Union as satellites together with North Korea and Israel finally reached independence and could be opened to free immigration.


The activities of the Fountain House had started already in 1940 by a kind of patients’ upheaval in a mental asylum (Rockland State Hospital in New York), where the patients joined hands to help each other back to a normal life by getting themselves discharged and into work. They called themselves We Are Not Alone (after the novel with the same title by James Hilton), and their basic principle has always remained the same through all the years – to help each other by helping themselves. The corner stone is to constantly remain in touch with each other and look after each other – solidarity between victims of society and circumstances.


In that way they have nothing to do with any kind of politics or religion, and the activities are not about rehabilitation or health care of any kind. Instead, focus is on those who simply have got lost or met with misfortune, getting stuck in the meaningless blind alleys and vicious circles of the fatal and lethal, arbitrary and soulless bureaucracy of the Kafka society. The individual initiative is underscored as most important of all to regain, when it has been imperilled or eliminated by outer circumstances, and you’ll notice how much more the human dignity is upheld at the Fountain House and its so much safer environment than in society. ICCD (”International Center for Clubhouse Development”, 425 West 47th Street, New York,) has in fact become advisor to the UN and is the only international organization in this field with the possibility to directly influence the secretariat of the UN and governments by expertise advice and partakes in the sessions of ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the United Nations).   




Displaced persons


Their number are increasing,

all those victims,

not only of society,

but more and more of circumstances

of no accountability for anyone.

They drift along, get lost,

but there is always somewhere

someone waiting for them,

even in your utmost loneliness

you never are alone,

and even if you are,

the crowds of ghosts and memories

are always there reminding you

that you can never separate from life

and least of all by suicide.

There is a fountainhead

that never stops to flow

and keep the current running

of the ever vitally expanding life,

and even if you feel unique about your fate,

you can be certain there are others sharing it.

The problem is, you never are yourself,

but all the life in all the universe

depends on you, for you are part of it.



 – a tribute to "the Fountain House", or, "The International Center for Clubhouse Development" (ICCD), 425 West 47th Street, New York, now an international network with centers practically everywhere and advisor to the UN (ECOSOC unit).



The Keltic Cult



The Keltic Cult


by John Bede.


Kelticism is today like it always has been. By never being politic except exceptionally, since all politics always ended bad, since man in his vanity never got it through that all power is evil by its latent paranoia and self-destructive corruption, since already the ancient Greeks realized all power only to be hubris and downright unnatural, it has never retreated but only expanded; and I dare propound the thesis that it still dominates all English- and French-speaking countries. Even the Venetians, who founded the first modern republic, which became the longest living ever, were originally Kelts. Even in Spain and Portugal, and not just in the Basque province, the Keltic legacy goes on, like in the Alpine countries, the Netherlands and far down into the Balkans. The Kelts never surface, though, except where they are obvious, like in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany, which is the secret of its survival and very existence: it has always been invisible and worked underground.


The Kelts never had political leaders but were guided by the Druids, who simply were the bearers of Knowledge, of nature and culture, of history and tradition, of the soul and the universe. Their everlasting memorial is Stonehenge, which is like a universal laboratory, a combined altar and astronomic observatory, planetarium and landmark of cult and worship, of the same functional and metaphysical importance as the great pyramids of Egypt and the temples of Central America from the same period. The Druids did not rule but merely acted as counsellors, but their words carried weight, since they were venerated as holy, since they held the only real power, which is knowledge, especially of the soul and nature. Their religion therefore was a universal and pantheistic nature cult with no gods, where the divine element was life itself, which was the object of worship, especially in its toughest and most lasting forms, therefore above all the trees and especially the oaken tree. It was consequently humble in character and not in the least dogmatic or self-imposing. It was quite simply natural and lived basically only on the natural piety and feeling of universal unity inspired by all free life in living nature. Therefore it could also like a chamelion steal into and absorb any other religious or philosophic form. It was the only religion that could adapt itself to any other religion.


My mission during the last years, when I have been so quiet and inactive in The Free Thinker and on Internet, has been trying to add to the stabilization of peace in Northern Ireland in its passage from chronic self-destructive political violence to reconciliation, compromise and co-operation, and I claim this to be the right course for the whole world. We don’t need violence. We don’t need ambitious power. We don’t need nationalism, egoism and greed. What humanity first of all needs is to make peace with nature, which he has caused and continues to cause irrepairable damage, which now obviously imports the possibility of her revenge with eventual disasters ruining the planet as a consequence. All people must co-operate to manage the crisis and survive, and then it will not do to have war and violence and self-imdulgent autocracies. The Druids concentrated on the right management of knowledge from the past and the economy of the present to keep nature and history in balance as continuously, smoothly and harmoniously as possible. There are still so called druids, but during the centuries they appeared in various other forms, such as the philosophers of antiquity, the saints of the middle ages, the humanists of the renaissance, the philosophers of the enlightenment, and so on. Their primary task is to administer wisdom and carry on the tree of knowledge, that is the vital knowledge of man’s accountability in life and the universe. And thus they are the very teachers that humanity always needs and always will need, and who always will be where needed.


John Bede, summer 2008.


Laila Roth om Förlagspolitik


Enligt uppgift publicerar ett etablerat resursrikt förlag mindre än 1% av den manusflora som strömmar in.

Det betyder att mer än 99% av alla författare på svenska refuseras och förblir refuserade och aldrig kommer ut.

Alla dessa begravs levande av förlagsvärlden.

Vilka är alla dessa?

Romantiska poeter.

Historiska romaner.

Överkursförfattare (med alltför stort ordförråd, alltför avancerat språk, alltför långa meningar eller alltför tidlöst innehåll). Hit hör alla överkvalificerade författare, vilka tydligen är de flesta.

Alla författare som med någon enda mening kan tänkas kunna såra någon annan människa, läs etablissemang. Hit hör naturligtvis nästan alla.

Sanningssägare, avslöjare och analytiker som träffar alltför mitt i prick och därför upprör.

Alla författare som har någon invändning mot något i samhället. (Vem har det inte?)

Alla negativa, anarkistiska och socialkritiska tendenser är uteslutna från början (med undantag för sådana som uppvisar tillräckligt mycket sex och våld).


Vilka är då undantagen, som trots allt släpps igenom nålsögat? Svaret är enkelt. Alla dom som garanterat säljer.

Kort sagt går all förlags- och utgivningspolitik i praktiken ut på att bortse från allt som över huvud taget luktar kvalitet medan det enda som ges någon uppmärksamhet alls är säljbarheten. Därför domineras alla genrer av sex och våld, för det säljer.

Resultatet är dock det betänkliga, att all litteratur skrotas och icke gives någon chans medan bara dagsländor tillåts leva, och det spelar ingen roll hur kort deras livstid blir, bara de ger pengar för tillfället.

Huvudansvaret ligger dock inte hos förlagen utan hos kulturpolitiken, som inte existerar när det gäller förfördelad kvalitet.

– Laila Roth


Detta är så pinsamt korrekt, BRAVO!

Men det är egentligen ganska hemskt

att framtida lyrik studerande ska få

läsa att det som präglade vår epok var

BDSM, mord och självmordsdikter . . .

Allt gott, Dan

pdf-projektet m.m.

Detta omfattande projekt, som nu pågått i två år,  och som  gått ut på att få alla våra litterära arbeten tillgängliga i pdf-format, är nu i slutspurten – det återstår endast ett tiotal arbeten. Det har frågats varför vi inte tjänar pengar på dem. Svaret är förlagens refuseringar av dessa arbeten sedan 37 år. Med att ha alla arbeten klara i pdf i så gott som perfekt skick kan vi åtminstone visa läsarvärlden att anledningen till 37 års refuseringar från den etablerade förlagsvärldens sida inte är lättja eller brist på gott uppsåt eller alltför glesa produktioner från vår sida.

När projektet är färdigt kan vi äntligen (mot hösten) börja ta i tu med nästa projekt, som skulle gälla att få vår musikproduktion ut på CD.